01 November 2010

Embracing the possibilities

The little guy above and his Mom and Dad were the subjects of a photo shoot this past weekend. He was sweet and such a patient little man and I was fortunate to capture many of his delightful expressions. The weather was perfect – 70 degrees at the end of October, in Colorado! – and full of the fall colors that make the season so beautiful. It was a fun shoot and I’m happy with the end result.

But another week is upon us and my working day-to-day continues as it has for the past ten years. I find it hard to believe that I have been in this job for so long and recall my thought at the start of many a year, that this one would be my last. That I would not be here for another holiday season but year after year, this is exactly where I am.

This coming year – 2011 – I feel will be different. I am coming to believe that I will actually break free from these chains and find somewhere that I can make a living that nurtures my soul or at least makes me glad to go to work each day. I believe that this is part of the change that is coming my way and it is a part that scares the shit out of me but it is one that I long for with every ounce of my being. My spirit has been stifled, my joy quashed and the desire to wake each morning simply gone. I dread setting the alarm each night knowing that at its ringing another day of the same begins and my countdown to the weekend once again commences in earnest.

So I welcome the change involved with my job – I am opening myself to the trials involved in such a large undertaking and I am willing the Universe to conspire on my behalf and bring to me what I need and what will truly feed my soul for the days and years to come. This is a big deal, me putting it out there, stating it in written and spoken word, those simple acts change everything.

And now I’m really scared but equally excited about the possibilities that may be before me.


Ginnie Hart said...

If you weren't scared, I'd fear for you more, dear friend! I know you are embracing your fears and that the winds really are ready to change. I wait with bated breath!

Margaret said...

Taking a chance, living life. Celebrate that. Take joy that you have a choice. I know of a blog friend who's husband lost his job (fired) and no unemployment. Both are highly educated and have taken to living out of their car so they don't get into deeper debt. She continues her blog via the library and they sleep at rest stops in their car . They see the same people in the parking lot each night - some single women...

I don't mean to diminish your anguish or fear. But you are beautiful, smart, and I hope, healthy. You will succeed... maybe not right away, but keep thinking, and be happy that you have a creative mind.

I look forward to seeing you "take off".